

Yahoo! Shopping


Bakauke 5shu no assort(ばかうけ 5種のアソート)

About this:five tastes are in this.
maker's siteKuriyama beika(栗山米菓)

Pokemon bakauke corn potage aji oyasai iri(ポケモン ばかうけ コーンポタージュ味 おやさい入り)

About this:Corn potage flavor.(Vegetables are mixed in this senbei and sales period limited)
maker's siteKuriyama beika(栗山米菓)

Bakauke 7nin no super saiyan aji!? ※7shu no yasai consomme aji(ばかうけ 7人の超サイヤ人味!? ※7種のヤサイコンソメ味)

About this:Consomme flavor.(Vegetables are mixed in this senbei and sales period limited)
maker's siteKuriyama beika(栗山米菓)

Bakauke cream cheese aji(ばかうけ クリームチーズ味)

About this:Cream cheese flavor.(Sales period limited)
maker's siteKuriyama beika(栗山米菓)

Bakauke mame mix(ばかうけ 豆ミックス)

About this:Three tastes are in this. Spicy and shoyu flavored senbei with seaweed and peanuts(ピリ辛青のり醤油味とピーナッツ), cheese flavored senbei with peanuts(濃厚チーズ味とスナックピーナッツ), salt and wasabi flavored senbei with peas(塩わさび味とえんどう豆).
maker's siteKuriyama beika(栗山米菓)